
What we do

At Soft Technologies – our aim is to help you build your online presence. Our affordable website solutions aim to bring your business to life. We like to keep things easy to save you time so that you can focus on running your business.

Website & software solutions

We specialise in web design and development - our websites are responsive across all devices including desktop, tablet 7 mobile. Our team can build customised software for your business using the latest technology &frameworks. We specialise in .NET/C#, PHP and Java.

Marketing & Branding

We can help you with your branding across print and digital, ensuring your message is relevant, strong and consistent. From logo design, brochureware, to building a website – we are here to create a customised solution or you.

Social Media

Our social media solutions help keep your business relevant to more of the right customers at the right time. Ask us today about building a social media strategy across Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or Instagram.

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